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4 Netflix Series I’m Currently Watching And Why You Should Be Too

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at KCL chapter.

So technically we should probably all be working on coursework, but there’s no rule saying that you can’t have time off and if you choose to spend some of that time watching Netflix, then here’s some recommendations for shows to check out.


1) A Series of Unfortunate Events



There wasn’t a child of my generation who didn’t read at least one of these books as a kid. The first three were made into a film in 2004, but it got a horrible reception and never a sequel. I always did want to watch the rest of the story on screen and now Netflix is finally making it happen. They’ve just released season two, taking the unlucky Baudelaire orphans through nine of the thirteen books and starring Neil Patrick Harris in an eccentric, fourth-wall breaking role as Count Olaf, the greedy man after the children’s fortune. It might seem like a kid’s show, but I promise you that you’ll love it!


2) Santa Clarita Diet



This show has also just released a second season, and it’s just as good as the first! Drew Barrymore is incredible as Sheila, suburban mum turned zombie, but it’s Liv Hewson as her sarcastic daughter Abby who steals the show for me. The writing is witty and the plotline is certainly original, if at times a little predictable. If you like your TV shows full of blood, Serbian bile, and clams, this is the one for you. And if you answered no to any of the above, give the show a watch and just see if you change your mind.


3) Riverdale



Okay, hear me out. Yes, this show is awful. Yes, it gets more and more ridiculous with every episode that gets released. But it’s one of those car crash shows you can’t look away from and sometimes there’s nothing more fun than hate watching a show only to complain about it with friends doing the same. Besides, they have a musical episode coming up soon and can you really afford not to be caught up so you can enjoy whatever special blend of crazy that turns out to be?


4) H20: Just Add Water



Remember being eight years old and running home to watch a TV show about mermaids with no other cares in the world? Well I do, and when I saw that what used to be my favourite programme twelve years ago was now on Netflix, I had to rewatch it. Only turns out it’s three seasons long and rewatching is taking a while. I can’t lie to you, this is 100% a kids show. The writing is clunky, the plots get ridiculous, and the acting isn’t great, but there’s something so nostalgic about re-experiencing old favourites with fresh eyes – return to a time of flip phones and noughties clothing, and a horribly missed opportunity for young lesbian characters on TV. There’s a lot of children’s shows on Netflix, so have a browse and see if you can find some programmes you used to love, even if they’re not this one. Treat yourself to an afternoon of reminiscing.


Of course, Netflix has a seemingly endless array of offerings. If these shows aren’t your style, check out old classics like Friends or slightly newer interpretations of those old classics like How I Met Your Mother. You could probably watch shows from now until September and never have to repeat a single one! (Although we don’t recommend it).

King's College London English student and suitably obsessed with reading to match. A city girl passionate about LGBTQ+ and women's rights, determined to leave the world better than she found it.