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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Jefferson chapter.

Sometimes we need a moment to turn off our mental radio. Whether it be the bustling people chattering around you, the sights and smells you experience, or the routine you follow everyday, sensory overload is all too common in our busy lives. The constant stressors of family and friend drama, academic and extracurricular activities, and the pressure to fit in with societal norms are difficult to maintain in our day to day lives. It can be so easy to fall into the swarm of others chaos and get lost within the nitty gritty details, but making time for yourself is key to upholding a positive life.


Reflect on your childhood, remember the experiences you shared most with the people you loved. Remember the first time you met your best friend, the first time you pulled an all-nighter, the first time you heard what is now your favorite song. Remember the times you blasted music with your friends in the car, when you had lazy beach days, drove around just for fun or had breakfast at midnight. It is the sensations of a good time, the laughs where you start crying so hard, the mutual feelings of sadness when someone you love is hurting, the experiences you share with others that change your life and make you feel comfortable. Others have a tendency to highlight the best parts of yourself.


The smell of coffee brewing in the morning before a long day, snuggling up in a blanket, reading your favorite book. It is our likes, interests, and hobbies that really depict who we are. The little things make the big picture, something I had not learned until my freshman year of college. Long term goals are great to have, setting plans and working towards them are very healthy behaviors to keep. However, short term goals are even more important to set, it allows for more to get done in a shorter period of time and you work towards completing them quicker. Whether it be ‘Talk to one stranger today’ or ‘Make plans to grab lunch with friends’, setting small tasks to accomplish provides quick self gratification and participation in society.


While the topic of family and friends is not the most comforting thing for some, finding peace within yourself is one of the most ongoing tasks to work towards being happy. Whether it be working on your self confidence, doing more of the things you love, or pushing yourself out of your comfort zone, self reflection can be a massive wake up call for some. Question your choices, your beliefs, your attitude. If you are unhappy with all of the answers your brain manages to muster up, you have the ability to change it. One of the biggest steps in achieving happiness is cutting off anything toxic in your life. Whether it be your own behavior, your attitude, toxic friends or family, or any bad habits you find yourself falling into, it is always a good time to start over. Everyone deserves a second chance, be sure to give one to yourself every once in a while and remember you are human. Find peace in the little things you might find yourself taking advantage of and build a strong sense of self.


"You can't get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me." C.S. Lewis