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Taking a Step Back from Social Media

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Jefferson chapter.

“Let’s take a picture!” my friends and I would say at each place we stopped at, interrupting ourselves to strike a pose. Then, gathering around the phone and hearing echoes of, “I’m going to post that,” “I look gross,” and “don’t post that I look ugly.” To then going on editing apps simultaneously, to blur out any imperfections.


I used to feel the pressure of, “If you don’t post it, it didn’t happen.” Constantly feeling like I had to show off everything I did and worrying about how many comments or likes I received. However, this past summer I rarely posted any photos on my social media. Not because I wasn’t having amazing adventures, but because they were so amazing that the thought to stop and take a photo didn’t have the time to cross my mind. I was living and having these moments for myself, no one else. I didn’t feel the need for validation.


Don’t get me wrong, there is absolutely nothing wrong with someone who is feeling themselves and wants to flaunt it! This is just me sharing my realization of the pressure social media put me under and how taking a step back was one of the best things for myself. Social media can also be great! Recently, I have been posting about my political opinion. Social media can be a great outlet for us to inspire others or to see what is going on hundreds of miles away from us!


Whatever you are using social media for just remember that you are beautiful and a number of followers, comments, or likes does not define you one bit!

Emily Smeriglio

Jefferson '22

None of us are free until we are all free