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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Jefferson chapter.

At the end of the spring semester last year my roommate got me hooked on watching the comedy One Day at a Time on Netflix. It has recently just released its third season on Netflix and it’s a must watch show! It follows the lives of a single mother, her mother, two children and their landlord. The family is Cuban and you learn about the culture and what the grandmother went through when she escaped Cuba at a young age. It’s a hilarious comedy that will also have you tearing up at moments. The writers and actors do a great job of making you laugh, but also touching on relevant and current issues going on in the world today. If you are in need of a new show or are looking for something lighthearted look no further than this Netflix original!

I am a senior Textile Materials Technoloy major from good ol' Pollock Pines, CA. I love water skiing, dancing, and mom blogs!!!!!!! 
Cora Burns

Jefferson '20

Trying to figure it out and writing about it as I go.