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How to Survive a Zombie Apocalypse

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Jefferson chapter.

Through the slate of wood covering my window, my eyes swept across the gruesome scene before me. My once moral neighbor was breaking down doors and coming out with handfuls of lustrous gold and canned goods. A flustered prepubescent child races up the old, chipped deck stairs and trips on the last platform, hopelessly flailing around. He can’t crawl fast enough as the dead creep up to him and sink their yellow deteriorated teeth into his neck. I walk back from the boarded-up window and crawl into my mattress determined to survive. My course of action during a zombie apocalypse would be creative rather than obvious.

            My goal when packing would be to use household objects, my skills and have it all measure under twenty percent of my body weight- carrying more than twenty percent of your body weight will slow you down. To secure my safety in the future I would pack ripped old t-shirts, alcohol-to clean cuts, antibiotic cream, and bandages,  For survival purposes I would bring bells, knives, rope, a fishing hook and flashlights. These tools may seem useless, but it proves to be quite the opposite. The bells can be attached to doors and used as alarms, the knives, rope, and fishing hook can be used for catching prey and food, and the flashlight can be used for shedding light.

            Along with my backpack, I would adorn myself in an olive fishing vest with a thick green hoodie underneath and camouflage cargo pants- Crazy, right? No, in fact I feel as though my choice in clothing will be a key factor in surviving the zombie apocalypse. The fishing vest and cargo pants provide sufficient amount of space and quick accessibility to weapons to defend myself. For instance, if a zombie snuck behind me, I could easily slip out my kitchen knife and defend myself.

            When I’m fully dressed and equipped I would start to find my hiding spot. People have seen others hide under the bed or on top of the bed, but why not hide IN the bed? I plan to carve a rectangular hole from the bottom of my mattress, store all my food and equipment with me and camp out IN my bed. When it is time to restock food I fully intend to use a giant hamster ball as my mean of transportation. Now you may ask, “why hamster ball out of all things, why not get a car or a truck?”, and my answer to you is that a black hamster ball is weird and downright scary.. Imagine if a black hamster ball rolled past you in the calm streets of New Jersey. I would like to assume that you would try to slowly move away from it and carry on with your life. If so then that is the reaction I want when I go outside to the zombie infested world. The sole reason for the ball is to make the surrounding zombies feel uncomfortable and ignore my presence as I scout for necessities.

            Ultimately, I am confident that with my dexterity I can survive the zombie apocalypse with only the use of my household objects- as for my family, I’m not so sure if they will survive. Oh well.

PC: sciencealert.com

Hey guys! I'm Vanshani, a pre-med student that loves makeup and soap cutting videos. Playing around with makeup and creating different looks is something I enjoy doing in my psare time, between doing math problems, or even when watching a tv show.