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Tessa Pesicka / Her Campus

Finding A Healthy Balance In Your Life

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Jefferson chapter.

Sometimes balancing a healthy lifestyle can be stressful, hard, and overwhelming. School, a job or extracurriculars, a social life, family, taking care of yourself, and whatever else is going on in your life can be so difficult. Not being able to find a balance can cause you to feel run down and even more #stressed. When you find that perfect balance it can relieve so much of that pressure and help you find some down time for yourself, your friends and family, or anything else you love. Personally, I know it’s hard but it is such a great feeling to find that balance.

When everything becomes overwhelming it is important to step back from everything and ask yourself what are the most important things in this moment. Making a list can help, writing it down on paper may help you see what needs to be taken care of and prioritized now versus what can wait. This can be beneficial when you have a lot of schoolwork or anything that needs to be done for a job or extracurricular. After writing and deciding what to prioritize, it may help you find time yourself. Taking care of yourself is the most important key to having a balanced lifestyle. When taking care of yourself, it is important to make sure that you are getting enough sleep at night and not digging yourself into a “not sleeping hole” that can be hard to get out of. Not getting a sufficient amount of sleep at night can not only decrease your health but also can cause harm to your mental health and suffering in your other responsibilities.

Taking care of yourself also means that it is important to know yourself and make sure you take time to enjoy something that you want and love to do. These things can be blowing off steam in the gym, listening to music, taking a nap, doing yoga, meditating, doing a face mask, simply talking to your friends and family, and anything else you do that you enjoy and love. It may seem to be stressful taking time away from your priorities to do something you love but, trust me, you will thank yourself later. Doing things you enjoy and love can help you relieve the stress of schoolwork, a job, and any other responsibilities you may have. My favorite things to do when I feel overwhelmed with schoolwork, my job, and my other responsibilities include writing down a schedule, sticking to that schedule, going to the gym, and listening to music. Sometimes I even think voicing my stress to my family or friends help calm me down and prioritize the right things at the right times. It is important to realize when it is time to take time for yourself versus when it is time to sit down and focus on whatever it is you have to get done. It is important to remember that a happy you is the best version of you!

Meghan Patterson

Jefferson '21

Hi, I'm Meghan! I'm a fashion merchandising major and volleyball player at Jefferson University. I love to be with my family and friends, go to the gym, travel, and shop!