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Why 2018 became One of the Best Years of my Life

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at IUP chapter.

Every year, millions of people reflect on their past year and remember the good times and also some of the not great times. Some people say that one year was better than the previous one, while others believe the current year was worse for them. I have never really given much thought on if one year was better than the other, but this year was different. This year I have done and experienced things I never really thought I would do. Here are a few reasons why this year was the one of the better years of my life.

Photo by Cody Board

  1. I worked and lived in Disney World for six months. Most people can’t say that they ever worked for the Mouse, but I can and although some days were tough, there was also some magical moments involved. I meet a lot of cool people and made some good friends along the way. It taught me a lot about myself and what I want in a career and what I don’t want.

  2. Along with that, I lived in a different state for six months. I know a lot of people live by themselves in apartments, but most our age don’t live in different states from where their parents are, unless they are out of state. It was a new experience for me living on my own, feeding myself, getting myself to work and truly being an adult for once. It’s one of the reasons why I’m excited to graduate next semester.

  3. I am in a new, challenging leadership positions and learning a lot more about and myself. I am not an organized person and that is definitely hindering my ability to be a better leader. I have made plenty of mistakes this semester in my new roles, but I know what I have to do next semester to do even better.

  4. I started dating. Okay, I know most people have been dating since middle school or elementary so this isn’t new to you, but I never really thought about dating or how to start dating. I’ve been trying out some dating apps and talking to some people so I’m curious to see where it will lead me in the future. I will be safe about, but I also want to have fun.

  5. I started a Mary Kay business. I haven’t done a whole lot with it yet, but I think it is a step in the right direction for me. I’ve witnessed my sister grow from it both professionally and personally and I hope to be as confident as her. Although I’m nervous about it and fearful about failing, I know it will be a learning experience either way and I will have a great support system too to help me out.


I am a junior at IUP who hopes to one day major either in Public Relations or Political Science with an obsession with music.