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Ways to make Finals Week Less Stressful

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at IUP chapter.

Every college student’s worst nightmare is finals week. You can have up to 1-5 exams in one week where you are expected to remember mostly everything you learned over the entire semester for each class. A lot of college students are known to procrastinate with everything. Here are a few tips to help finals week be less stressful.

1. Pack in Small Amounts

Usually after each finals week there is a break. Whether it’s winter break or summer break, you usually have to pack a good bit. Don’t leave the packing for the day before you leave! Pack here and there. Take breaks from studying, blast music, and use packing as your get away from studying.

(Photo by Erwan Hesry)

2. Keep Up with Work

Don’t wait until last minute to get everything organized with each class. Make sure you have your notecards ready so it’s one less thing you have to do. Keep your notebooks, notecards, and books set aside for each class so you can grab and go study without forgetting anything you might need.

(Photo by Kevin)

3. Write Out Finals Week

Make a clean schedule about finals week. Write each day out and when certain finals are. Then beside the finals, identify what finals are cumulative and accumulative. This will help you not worry if you are forgetting anything when your mind goes crazy.

(Photo by Estee Janssens)

4. Set Certain Days for Certain Classes

After making the schedule, set certain days or times when you will study for certain exams. Don’t jump from studying for one class to another. You will get confused and studying won’t be that effective.

(Photo by Christin Hume)

5. Study, Study, Study!

Sit down, relax, and concentrate! Try to remember as much as you can! Take study breaks and try to make it fun!

(Photo by Kinga Cichewicz)


Each time finals week roll around it immediately stresses out college students everywhere. Follow these tips and you will have a less stressful finals week! Happy studying!

"She remembered who she was, then the game changed."