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Tips for Success for the Procrastinator

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at IUP chapter.

With the stress of finals looming over our heads, many college students fall victim to procrastination during this point in the semester. It can be easy to let our work pile up, and before we know it, we have a ton of things to finish and barely any time. Here are four easy tips to help you succeed if you find yourself in this predicament.

1. Make a detailed plan. Take a look at everything you have to complete and create a timeline of exactly how and when you’ll complete them. This way, your mind can stay focused on one task at a time and you won’t be scrambling trying to finish everything at once.

2. Don’t strive for perfection. We all want our work to be the best it can possibly be. However, if you’re short on time, this mindset may be more harmful than not. Be realistic about what you can achieve instead of stressing yourself trying to be perfect. Get the work done and focus on the tiny details afterwards.

3. Ask for help. Don’t be afraid to reach out to your family, friends and professors if you find yourself crunched for time. Ask for their input if you’re stuck on a project, can’t figure out an assignment, or need help studying.

4. Don’t panic. If you allow yourself to get worked up, you’ll end up stressing yourself out even further. This is counterproductive. Take a deep breath, clear your head and keep going!


Follow these tips and you’ll make it through finals in a breeze. Persevere and you’ll get through it!