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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at IUP chapter.

IUP takes celebrating St. Patrick’s Day to a different level. If you’ve experienced an IUPatty’s before, you know that things in Indiana become very hectic very quickly. While this a fun time to hang out with friends, it is not a time that should adversely affect your future. If you are choosing to partake in the celebrations this weekend, here are a few things to keep in mind.


1. Hydrate.

In the midst of consuming some questionable green drinks, make sure you have some water too. I recommend carrying at least three bottles of water with you. Even if you only drink and refill one, you may end up handing one off to someone else who didn’t think to bring water. If you’re at a bar, water is free and the bartenders are usually pretty happy for a normal request.


2. Eat.

Drinking on an empty stomach is never a good idea. I suggest eating something that won’t be ruined if you puke it up later. Although it goes without saying, eat more than once during the day.


3. Find an actual bathroom.

Squatting behind that bush may seem like a good idea, but I promise it’s not. If you need to go to the bathroom that badly, find one that has an actual toilet. Public urination is a very easy charge to avoid.


4. Charge your phone and carry your charger.

There are masses of people everywhere. The chances of you getting separated from your friends is incredibly high. Having a dead phone will only make the entire situation more stressful. Before going anywhere, try to get your battery as close to 100% as possible and put your phone in low power mode for the day. Also, take your cellphone charger with you. You’ll be thankful that you did.


This weekend is meant to be fun. Throwing caution to the wind may seem like a good idea, but at the end of the day, all actions have consequences. If you participate this weekend, please stay safe.


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Danielle Jones is from Jeannette, Pennsylvania--a small town with big pride. As an English, Writing major with a minor is Business Administration she loves words and truly believes in their power. She is currently one of two Campus Correspondents for Her Campus at IUP. In her free time, Danielle enjoys reading, writing, and all things Shonda Rhimes.