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Tips for an Amazing Homecoming

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at IUP chapter.

The weekend of the year that everyone awaits is finally here…homecoming!  Homecoming is a lot about celebrating with your friends, football rivalries, and alumni arriving to their alma mater.  Make this weekend fun and safe by following these tips.


Stay with friends.

Wandering around by yourself is never a good idea. Factor in the insane amount of people that are here and it truly is a recipe for disaster. Stick with your friends and take care of each other.

Eat before going out.

If you choose to drink this weekend, don’t do it on an empty stomach. Eating beforehand will help keep you from getting sick or becoming too intoxicated.

Dress for the weather.

It’s Indiana and we all know that even if it’s sunny without a cloud in the sky, it may rain later or get extremely cold. Wearing a flannel around your waist is an easy way to look great and keep yourself warm later.

Charge your phone.

If by chance you do get separated from your friends, having a dead phone will not help the situation. Try to get your phone as close to fully charged as possible.

Ask to pet the horses.

If you’re like me, you’re really going to want to pet the horses. It is important to remember that they are working and that you must ask to touch them beforehand.

Take water with you.

Even if the water isn’t for you, you may really help someone out in a pinch. Keeping two bottles in your bag is super effective!

Have fun!

Homecoming is a great time, so remember to have fun and don’t let senseless drama ruin your weekend.

Happy Homecoming 2017!


All gifs courtesy of giphy.com

Danielle Jones is from Jeannette, Pennsylvania--a small town with big pride. As an English, Writing major with a minor is Business Administration she loves words and truly believes in their power. She is currently one of two Campus Correspondents for Her Campus at IUP. In her free time, Danielle enjoys reading, writing, and all things Shonda Rhimes.