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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at IUP chapter.

What is it like when you feel discouraged or overwhelmed within the semester? It feels almost as if you are given a truckload of work within only 24 hours to complete it and only 30 mins to actually fit it into your schedule. It’s that time of the semester when things begin to get slightly stressful and incredibly busy. Exams, midterms, papers, quizzes, organization, events all begin to pile up at once. It seems like it has been hard to manage but that’s when a break comes into place. Prioritize your time and agenda wisely, setting weekly goals allows you to break down in chunks things that you may need to get done without feeling overwhelmed. Pace yourself based on assignment due dates, don’t cram but also try not to rush it all at once. Study hard, work harder and always reward yourself as you go!