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The SeaBin: Helping the Planet

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at IUP chapter.

I was just recently in California, visiting family and one afternoon we went to the beach. As I walked along the sand, enjoying the cool water against my feet, a piece of trash floated by. The further I walked, the more trash I saw in the water and on the beach. 

According to the website, http://ecowatch.com/2014/04/07/22-facts-plastic-pollution-10-things-can-do-about-it/, 185 pounds of plastic are thrown away every year by the average American. A majority of that trash ends up in a landfill, but more and more is also showing up in streets, lawns, and the ocean. We have become unaware of the impact our carelessness is causing on our planet. We can still reverse some of the damage if we take some action. Which is exactly what some Australian  surfers have done. These surfers have created a device that takes trash out of the ocean, it is called the Seabin.

It is has been perfected over the years and it supposed to be placed in marinas to collected trash floating in. It has been receiving recognition in the media and support. We can help their cause by showing support and doing our part. We have a President-elect who does not value the environment, believes global warming is a myth, and who wants to downsize the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Lets take a stand and protect the environment with great organizations like Seabin!   

Visit http://www.seabinproject.com/ for more information. 


Hi, I am Katherine. I am a student at Indiana University of Pennsylvania. I am a member of the IUP English Equestrian team, Sigma Tau Delta, and a Writer for IUP's HER Campus. I love to read, (books of all genres) write, knit, and travel (I visited England this summer). I am also a British Royal Family Fan. My top music favorites are Ed Sheeran, Taylor Swift, Grace Potter, and Fleetwood Mac. My guilty pleasure is late night HPTV. Please check out my personal blogs-http://hiddeninthemargins.blogspot.com/ and http://wanderlustbound14.blogspot.com/