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10 Phrases All Cashiers Know Too Well

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at IUP chapter.

1. Why is that the price of said item? (Can be substituted for, “Why is this item so expensive?”)

I am sorry, but I am not the bookkeeper or the wise decider of prices. I do not know why the store chose the price for the item. I am just the cashier!


2. Why are you so serious?

Because I am standing here in line when I would rather be in my bed watching Netflix or reading; but I’m poor and can’t afford such luxuries, translates to “Oh, it’s been a really long day!”


3. Is this line open?

Nope. I’m just standing here for fun!


4. “That’s not what the tag says.”

Yes, it is.

5. “That bill should be fine, I just made it off the press.”

I’m sure you did.


6. “Can you believe I only came in here for just milk?”

Please refer to 5.


7. “I don’t have enough money to pay for this, can I leave this here and quickly get more money?”

There is nothing more infuriating than when a customer comes into a store unprepared. If one card fails, make sure you have a backup! Or, please just make sure to carry enough cash on you.


8. “Ehh I changed my mind about said item, can you please take it off.”



9. “I’ve always done it this way.” Or “That cashier over there always does it for me.”

That’s good for them, but they can lose their job. I am not bending the rules for you.


10. “You are bagging my bags wrong.”


Hey everyone! I'm a senior at Indiana University of Pennsylvania with a History, Pre-Law major and Enlgish minor. I hope you all are enjoying my articles and those of my fellow writers. Follow me on twitter or instagram - jessicavalenx3. Let me know what you would to see on HerCampus and we will always try to accomodate. Thanks and enjoy!