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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Indy chapter.

When it’s spelled out and said aloud, the word Hashimoto sounds insanely intimidating if said correctly. It’s pronounced H-ah-she-moe-toe, and it’s Japanese meaning is “base of bridge.” Hashimoto’s Disease is a thyroid and autoimmune disease in which essentially the body interprets the thyroid as a foreign invader, like the flu. Because of this, the gut sends antibodies to attack and kill the thyroid. Because the thyroid has antibodies attacking it, it is unable to produce and distribute hormones to the rest of the body. The thyroid is vital because it sends hormones to the rest of the body which controls the rate of metabolism. During the time of attack, the thyroid will produce an excess of hormones leading to hyperthyroidism. Essentially, the body is working on overtime and influences rapid weight loss and rapid irregular heart rate. Because the thyroid will distribute so many hormones, it will be unable to produce enough hormones which leads to hypothyroidism. The symptoms of hypothyroidism are extensive, but the major signs are depression, sensitivity to the cold, and constant fatigue. Because there are many stages to Hashimoto disease, it is challenging for doctors to properly diagnose the disease. That means many people go undiagnosed until the thyroid dies and will have to be removed. Because it is a relatively new disease, doctors cannot pinpoint why the disease occurs in some people and not others. There is good news is, though, while there is no cure for Hashimoto’s Disease, it can be managed through a proper diet. When I was first diagnosed at 16, it was recommended for me to participate in a 21 Day Elimination Diet. The diet essentially took out major food groups for

twenty-one days to do two things. One, it reset my gut and immune system to slow the rate of antibodies attacking my thyroid. Two, it allowed me to figure out which foods I’m the most sensitive to and which ones will upset my gut area which in turn which foods produce the most antibodies. For me, my food sensitivity is dairy. For others, it could be gluten or wheat or other that a person may not think to consider. Getting help to manage Hashimoto Disease early-on is much more beneficial to your health than waiting until it’s too late. Have an open discussion with your doctors if you believe that there’s a possibility that you could have a thyroid condition. Above all, you may feel alone and afraid. Please, do not ever be afraid to reach out to someone to talk about your experience and what you’re going through.