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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois State chapter.

The school year is winding down, and many people start to lose motivation to finish the year off strong especially because it is getting nicer out, which means one step closer to summer. However, it is important to keep your days productive. Here are some tips that help me do that and hopefully can help you too!


      1. Wake up early

If you are not a morning person, try to become one! I am not going to tell you to wake up at 7 in the morning, but wake up at 9 or 10 and enjoy the morning. Make yourself a nice cup of coffee and reflect on the things you need to accomplish that day. I always like waking up early because it makes me feel like I am not wasting my day sleeping and it allows me to work out before my classes if I have a busy day.

      2. Make your bed

I cannot emphasize this one enough. Making your bed allows you to accomplish the first task of the day, and it will motivate you to complete all of your other tasks. The little things matter. It is also nice coming home if you have had a long day to a clean room.

      3. Organize your day

Make sure you plan out your day and write it down so you know what you have to do. I use a planner and it is super helpful. It keeps me very organized and helps me not forget about things that I probably would have forgotten about if I didn’t write it down. I also write in my planner when I plan on going to the gym that day because it makes me more motivated to go and it also helps me stay committed to going.

     4. Drink water and exercise

Especially when the weather is starting to become warmer, make sure you stay hydrated! It is important to drink water throughout the day. For all my iced coffee lovers out there like me, iced coffee will not make you stay hydrated so make sure you are still drinking water. Also, exercising has helped me feel more productive and has not only helped me with my physical health, but also my mental health. Working out is a stress relief for many people, and it can also make you feel good and accomplished. If you have a busy day, try to find 20-30 minutes to go to the gym and get a good workout in!

These are only some of the things that help me keep my days productive. I hope these tips help you just as they help me.

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