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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois State chapter.

Student burnout has become a norm these days, because of academic goals, pressure, and with all of the challenges and restrictions COVID brings. It can be very easy to fall behind in online classes, which can cause academic burnout. Sometimes after being in classes all day, having to work on homework all night, or going to work, it seems like you can never get a break. You can overcome/avoid academic burnout by following these tips:


Get Organized
This seems super obvious, but it is true. Getting organized like with a planner or calendar will help motivate you as well as keep your schedule on the plan. Getting organized will also help keep your mind clear. I have noticed that when the space around me is neat and tidy, I can focus a lot better on my schoolwork and procrastinate less.


Take Small Breaks
Breaks are a great way to take a step back and breathe after a study session. It is always good to give the brain a break because it will help lessen the chance of academic burnout.


To-Do List
Write out all of the assignments, projects, exams, etc., out on a piece of paper with their due dates and knock out the stuff that can be done quickly. Something about crossing stuff off a to do list is just so satisfying.


Go to Sleep
Sometimes, I spend all night working on homework and studying. I feel as if I go to sleep at 10pm, it is a waste of precious academic achievement time. Although I may have good goals and good intentions, this is not healthy. You need to better focus on your personal well-being over anything else. You can redo classes, but you cannot redo your life.


Going off of the last tip, self-care is so important. Personally, I have noticed a huge decline in my personal care these last two weeks. I spent so much time worrying about a Math quiz, that I wasn’t doing my normal skincare routine, eating right, and I was just sleeping on my mattress topper. Taking time to take care of yourself is super beneficial and will also give you more time to yourself away from your schoolwork.


I hope these tips are beneficial for you in one way or another. Always remember, you can redo college or redo classes, but you can’t redo your life! Be kind to yourself, don’t overwork yourself. Overall, YOU GOT THIS!


Lot’s of Love,


Jessica Hogeboom

Illinois State '22

ISU 2022 | Elementary Education Follow me on Instagram : @jesshogeboom
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