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7 Life Lessons I Learned In My First Year Writing For Her Campus

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at George Mason University chapter.

Being an out-of-state student from a SUPER small town, coming to Mason was pretty daunting. Especially because I really did not want to be here at all. I cried for the first few days here because I felt so out of place. But then I met the Her Campus George Mason girls and I felt the sun start to shine again. Through the ups and downs of my first year of college, one constant has always been writing for Her Campus. Here, I have compiled just seven of the many life lessons I have learned so far in my first year with the Her Campus George Mason team.

1. Never be afraid to speak up for what you believe in. Your voice matters.

It can be easy to tell ourselves that what we have to say does not matter, that it has no power. Having a platform like Her Campus, though, has taught me that the reality is quite the opposite. You have agency and power, all you have to do is speak, write, do whatever it is you do to share your voice with the world.

2. Do not hold back from going after what you want just because you think you are not good enough.

I used to be guilty of shying away from positions of power because I was afraid of the failure. However, standing witness to the bold and fearless feats of my Her Campus George Mason ladies has reminded me that failure is not the worst thing. Not trying at all is in fact far worse.

Related: The Importance of Being Able to #FindYourGirlGang

3. Surround yourself with inspirational women and you yourself will become one.

Who you surround yourself with, you become. Her Campus was founded by three inspirational women and continues to publish content written by and for inspirational women across the nation. The women in my chapter have helped me grow and I hope to turn around and inspire the next generation of Her Campus writers and female journalists.  

Photo courtesy of Alexa Garcia

4. No one can do it alone. Ask for help when you need it.

Being a writer for Her Campus George Mason is like suddenly gaining 30 best friends, moms and mentors all rolled into one. Having such a supportive environment has helped me to learn how to be comfortable reaching out for help. Asking for help does not mean you are weak, it means you know your limitations and can admit when you do not know exactly what to do. Work environments are based on this principle of teamwork, so it helps to learn this skill now!

Related: 4 Everyday Ways To Support Other Women

5. Do not underestimate the value of the connections you make.

Not only are the women of Her Campus George Mason an inspirational group, but they are also a professional network. I got my first internship because one of our writers Courtney, who had the internship three years prior, recommended me directly to the organization. When I came to college, I never quite expected my friends to turn into references, but Her Campus has taught me to value friendships in a whole new way. You can be friends AND help each other succeed professionally. The future is female my friends.

6. Do not chase adoration or applause. Do something only if YOU are passionate about it.

This one was a hard one to learn. As a writer, I had this huge desire to get big clicks on my stories and have people praise me for my writing. It was all based on insecurities that I had around the idea that my writing was not as good as other people’s. However, the stories I tried to write ended up turning out bland, because, get this, I was not passionate about the topics. This goes for anything you do in life: do what YOU want to do, not what the world tells you it likes.

7. Running away from your problems will not solve them. But writing about them might.

It seems to be a common theme that people always want to run away from their troubles. They push things aside and under the rug, never to be heard about again, but always felt. I found therapy in being able to turn my feelings into pieces that were not only cathartic for me, but also for my audience. Sometimes talking about problems or emotions can be hard, but writing them down can feel so easy and so freeing. Even if you are not a writer, I suggest you try this. Whip out your old diary and get to work on your own cathartic journey.

Photo courtesy of Alexa Garcia

Thank you Her Campus George Mason for all you have taught me, I cannot wait for another year of life lessons, adventures, and photo shoots. HCXO!

George Mason Contributor (GMU)

George Mason University '50

Want to get involved, or have a story idea we should write about? Email us! hc.georgemason@hercampus.com