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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIU chapter.

Get your water in!

  • Wake up and drink a full glass of water before you have breakfast. This will help wake up your digestive system and give it a boost to start your day the right way. Also, drinking water 30 minutes before a meal will help you stay satisfied for a longer period of time. Water is overall just really good for you so, buy yourself a water bottle and carry it around with you wherever you go. It clears up your skin and helps for proper circulation of nutrients in your body.


Stay active

  • Whether it’s running, walking around your neighborhood, walking your dog, or taking the longer route to your class to get those extra steps in — stay active. It’s healthy for you to keep your body moving. It’s proven that it can improve your health and can prevent you from developing terrible diseases. Getting your body moving a few times a week can improve your quality of life.

Leave time for things you enjoy doing

  • It’s important to step back from your everyday schedule (work and school) sometimes and do something that you enjoy doing. Whether it’s reading a book, watching an episode of your favorite show or baking cookies, do it! Besides making you happy, it gives you peace to do something you look forward to.

Start your beauty sleep early

  • Sometimes, going to sleep early is hard for college students because after work there’s always usually an assignment that has to be turned in by midnight. We can’t just go to sleep like a regular adult that doesn’t have homework obligations. Though, getting a good night sleep is very important if you want to have a good rest of the day. Prioritize your sleep and tell yourself the latest you’ll go to sleep is 11 PM. Wake up early and get a head start on your school work if you have to. 

Prioritize your time

  • Buy yourself an agenda and write down all the things you have to get done. You can start off with the more important things and finish with the less important tasks. Give yourself a limit to finish your to-do list and stick to it. An agenda is a good investment, it will keep you organized and in control of your errands.


Mariangel Diaz is currently a junior at Florida International University and a staff writer for Her Campus. Her passion for writing is immense and she writes articles about based on what inspires her and what takes her on an adventure. She attended Saint Brendan Catholic High School where she was apart of the schools campus ministry, where she had to write and prepare talks for her peers. That's where she grew the courage to talk in front of others and where she was able to practice her writing skills when it came to putting a speech together. At the high school, she was also on the dance team. She has been dancing since she was four years old and currently is a dance instructor where she gets to expand on her other creative side which is, choreographing. Mariangel loves all things that involve creativity and is eager to inspire, guide and give tips to readers! Stay tuned for upcoming articles!