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Riverdale’s Long-Awaited Return

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Dickinson chapter.

Grab a group of your friends and gather around Wednesday nights at 8pm to watch one of television’s newest hits. Riverdale premiered recently, and for those of you not familiar with the show it’s about the beloved characters from the Archie comics. If you’re anything like me you will recall picking up the comic books while grocery shopping with your mom and falling in love with the characters of Archie, Veronica, Betty, Jughead, Reggie and more. However, Riverdale is unlike the Riverdale in the Archie comics. The show tells the stories of these friends and the town of Riverdale in a much darker light.

Season one followed the path of the murder of Jason Blossom, son of the most powerful families in town and twin to the notorious Cheryl Blossom. Season one kept viewers hooked as we tried to discover who it was that killed young Jason Blossom. We also got to see view town secrets uncovered, murder, twisted tales, relationships between friends emerging, family struggles and the true testament of friendship. When we left off season 1 we discovered in a shocking twist who murdered Jason Blossom, the creation of the best couple known on social media as Bughead, Veronica and Betty showing us the true meaning of BFFs, Cheryl burning down the terrifying Thornhill manor, Jughead being offered a spot in the serpent gang after his father’s imprisonment and the shooting of Archie’s dad in Pop’s Chocklit Shoppe.

Season 2 picks off right from the shooting of Archie’s dad and we watch as Archie rushes desperately to save his father’s life. In this episode we get to see the start of a darker Archie emerging. His father being shot has caused him major PTSD and with the killer still on the loose all he wants now is revenge. Season 2 also brings us a new face, Hiram Lodge, Veronica’s wicked father who has returned from his stint in prison. His presence in Riverdale does not promise good things for anyone and Veronica must suffer being the daughter of two untrustworthy parents. No one is spared from terrible things happening not even Betty who is nothing but supportive to everyone around her. She must now deal with the possibility of losing Jughead to the dangerous Serpents. Jughead begins to rely on the Serpents to help get his father out of prison, in his mind he must do anything necessary to help save his dad.

If you have not watched a single episode of Riverdale, I suggest you head to Netflix and enjoy a great binge-watching session. Season 2 will be even darker than season with twists and surprises at every turn. This might be one of my top 5 favorite shows currently on television, so I highly recommend you get started. Happy Binging!