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DSG and Me

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DePauw chapter.

I had no idea what I was getting myself into when I replied to an email from the Director of Public Relations for Student Government in the spring of my junior year. Social media? Give me the control. Getting to know people?? That’s right up my alley. Telling people the cool things happening around the greatest campus on earth? You bet I’d be happy to do that. But the role turned into so much more. 

In May of 2015, I stood with my right hand raised, in front of about fifty student organization representatives and members of DePauw Student Government and pledged to be the Director of Public Relations during my senior year at DePauw. I was nervous, felt super awkward up front, and wondered what my new title would entail. When I transitioned into the position, was given all the passwords to the various social media accounts, and had my new, swanky DSG email all set up, I was excited to begin this new chapter of my life – as a DePauw student who is involved in Student Government. It only took me until my senior year to embark on this journey. Better late than never, right? Right. 

I had ZERO exposure to the intricate happenings of DSG before taking the position of Director of PR and WOW was I missing out. Now, I can’t understand how I didn’t pay attention to all the incredibly detailed and important tasks, campaigns and legislation that DSG works on each year. The Executive Board is made up of eight of the most incredible, noteworthy, honorable, fun, deeply caring, devoted and hard working individuals I have ever met; their value to this school is not only inexplainable, but unquantifiable. And I have had the pleasure of working with them for the past eight months! How’d I get so lucky?

While I’ve been so happy and have loved my position on the DSG Executive Board, many of the DSG positions are a lot less involved and time consuming. They can even be semester-long committments, so if you’re planning on studying abroad or doing a semester long internship, you can do both!! How excellent.

Election packets are due on FRIDAY, APRIL 1ST at 4PM – and all you need is 100 signatures from current students (hit up the Hub during lunch) and a 250 word platform about why you chose to run. It’s simple and easy, and the more people who run for DePauw Student Government, the better the representation of students is. But if I haven’t convinced you already, here’s a list of reasons why I benefitted from being involved in DSG, and why you might want to consider running for office! 

  1. I am first-handedly involved in making DePauw better. Whether I’m challenging a norm, changing the meal plan because of vast student dissatisfaction or planning a senior night, I contribute to the DePauw experience of my peers and the students whom I represent.  
  2. I get the details of campus events right from the brilliant minds of those who planned them. I get insider information about who’s planning what, when and why these events, campaigns, etc. are happening and can plan ahead. 
  3. I am surrounded by a diversity of voices – my exposure to many different thought processes has increased substantially, and therefore my understanding of the world and different perpectives has increased. 
  4. I’ve been given access to a wealth of resources in the faculty, staff members and DePauw administrators with whom I get to work closely. They are brilliant and engaging and passionate people who believe in me and my DePauw. That’s not only inspiring, but so central to my love for this school. They offer guidance, advice, support, criticism and encouragement for which I will forever be thankful.
  5. I’ve had SO MUCH FUN! 
  6. I’ve gained incredibly valuable skills that will benefit me for life. Involvement in Student Government at a college or university is a HUGE resume builder.
  7. DSG is actually so powerful and has a lot of influence on campus. I’ve seen the representatives, senators and Exec Board make some legislative magic through white papers, constitutional amendments and events. 

This is an invitation to run for an elected office of DePauw Student Government, and I hope you’ll consider this opportunity.