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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CU Boulder chapter.

I don’t know about you guys but ever since the weather drastically shifted I’ve been cozying up with more and more cups of tea. Through this, I’ve realized that I drink certain teas depending on my mood. If you haven’t quite found the tea for you, I’m here with some fabulous suggestions!


When you need a pick me up on a chilly, fall day:


Yerba Mate is such an awesome way to get your energy up without the jittery effects that coffee can have. Plus! It boosts your immune system and metabolism!



This is another immune booster (flu season is coming up!) and lemon and ginger tea has been proven to increase cognitive function and improve mood, so have a cup of this while studying for that midterm.


When you want to drift off to sleep to the sound of rain:


Moringa tea is my go-to tea whenever I need a good night’s sleep but, don’t need something that’s going to knock me out immediately. If anything, this relaxes my mind so I can drift off to sleep easier.


When you want to add some spice to your life:



Who doesn’t love a cup of chai tea on a cool fall day? If it’s not quite feeling like fall to you, have a cup of these blended spices, sit back, and watch the leaves (or snow!) fall.


Now with these great tea suggestions, I hope you can warm yourself up with these throughout this changing, fall season.


Have a happy fall!

All pictures from Google Images

Zen Auguiste

CU Boulder '22

Zen is a freshman at the University of Colorado Boulder and is so excited to be a part of Her Campus this year!
Sko Buffs!