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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CU Boulder chapter.

Essential oils have been in high demand for a long time now because of their natural essence and beautiful smells. But what are essential oils? They are “aromatic compounds” found in all sorts of different plants, seeds, roots, flowers, ets. They get their extremely potent smell from the different natural bases they are found in. Each smell is unique, varying from 3000 different species located all over the world. Depending on the time of the year, the smell of the oils can be stronger or weaker. Essential oils can be used for all kinds of different things: from beauty treatment, to health, to food preparation. You can practice using essential oils very easily in your daily life.



Here is a short guide to using essential oils:



Lavender is a type of flower and can be used to treat

  1. Stress

  2. Depression

  3. Inflammation

  4. Congestion

Using a few drops of Lavender in the bath after a long day could be extremely beneficial.


Eucalyptus has a harsher smell. It comes from a tree, and is extremely refreshing and can be used to treat

  1. Migraines

  2. Fevers

  3. Respiratory issues

  4. Bacterial infections

Rubbing Eucalyptus on the frontal glands of the neck and dabbing it underneath the nose can have a huge effect on breathing, especially if you are sick, or have extreme allergies.

Chamomile is a type of small white flower that can

1. make you sleepy

2. relax you

3. help with chronic pain

A few drops of Chamomile in your tea at night will help reduce pain and help you fall asleep easier.

Peppermint, or peppermint leaves, is a strong essential oil that has a different benefit than most others. It can help

  1. Sharpen focus

  2. Boost energy

  3. Increase mental awareness

Breathing in peppermint before an exam is a great way to stimulate your brain.


Lauren Owens

CU Boulder '22

Hi! I'm Lauren and I love to write, take pictures, travel, and shop. My favorite aniaml is the cat and I currently have three! I am a Communications and possible Journalism major this fall at CU Boulder. I also love to find the best iced coffee in any town I visit, and I can't wait to share some of my Boulder insightes (especially the coffee) with my fellow Boulder babes!
Sko Buffs!