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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Clarion chapter.

Your first time having sex isn’t always as glamorous as it is in the movies. It’s awkward, weird, and a little gross; at least it was for me. I’ll be honest, I did not wait for the right person. And to this day I regret it.

It was not the right place or the right time. I was intoxicated. I saw this guy from my English class from school. We were some-what friends and flirted here and there, nothing major. But I was an innocent girl that thought this big hot shot guy liked me. I was so wrong.

I gave him the most secret part of myself. And for what? 5 minutes in “heaven.” It was awkward because I was letting someone touch me where I have never been touched before. It was gross because it was with someone that I barely knew and had some bad habits. It was weird because it was not at all how I pictured it. There was little kissing and no passion in it. It didn’t last long at all. Not kidding when I said 5 minutes.

In the movies, it looks a lot better. I wish I would have found someone that actually cared somewhat about me before I gave my card up.