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Trying Kid’s Favorite Crazy Food Combos as an Adult

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cincinnati chapter.



As kids, we really eat the craziest things, which means we all have that one food combination from our childhood that just really doesn’t make sense. 

For example, my sister used to put ketchup on everything, and I mean everything. She put it on the normal stuff like nugs and fries, but this girl put it on her green beans, carrots, potato chips, mashed potatoes; you name it and she put ketchup on it. 

Now, mine was a little bit wack, but I wouldn’t say it was the craziest thing I’d ever heard. I even know a few other people who loved this combination too. Low and behold, my odd food combination was… 

…drum roll please… 

Peanut butter and mayonnaise. 

Yeah, I know, judge me all you want, but that stuff was good.Don’t hate on it until you try it, is all I’m saying. Honestly, that goes for just about every food out there, not just these crazy food combinations.

I’ve heard a lot of crazy ones, but when I asked my followers on Instagram to comment one of their craziest combinations, I was blown away. My fellow readers, I cannot make this stuff up! 

I’m going to list them below and give a little commentary on what first comes to mind when I read them. 

Please enjoy!

Chips on pizza:

Not too bad, seems kind of normal, I’m down for a crunchy pizza


Burger king chicken fries in a Coca-Cola icee:

For me, this one’s a hard pass


Ketchup on tostadas:

Okay I’m kind of into it …


Ham and cream cheese sandwich:

Hey cheese is cheese right? (I say this not having had cheese in over a year and a half so maybe all cheese isn’t created equal?)


Ketchup and mac and cheese:

This reminds me of the ketchup on eggs debate where half the world does it and half the world doesn’t do it.


Pasta in milk:

Yeah… no, this just ain’t it chief!


Velveeta cheese and mustard sandwich:

Interesting combo, I’ll give two points for the color coordination.


Corn and A1 sauce:

Would definitely try, it’s basically just smoky corn is it not?


Mustard on vanilla ice cream:

I’m calling the police…


Fiery Cheetos on swiss and roast beef sandwich:

A crunchy and spicy sandwich… might be on to something


Pickles and Cheez-Its:

This is my other sister who combines just about anything with Cheez-Its or goldfish


Applesauce and goldfish:

Exhibit B!


Melted layers of multiple types of cheese in a bowl with the salt on top… that’s it:

This sounds like a heart attack in a bowl while sprinkling on a little salt… I might puke just thinking about all of that cheese!


McDonald’s nuggets soaked in sprite:

Soggy nugs? I’m a big texture gal so this would not fly with my tastebuds.


Bacon and maple syrup with powdered sugar on top:

Oof, this brings me back to my childhood when my sisters and I would all do this at Saturday morning breakfasts! So of course I have to approve this one!

And y’all thought mine was nasty. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed these lovely combinations from mine and my friends’ childhoods, and I hope it brought back all the memories of the wild foods you used to combine. Happy food combining!

Cecelia Yauch

Cincinnati '22

Cecelia is a second year at the University of Cincinnati.
Emma Segrest

Cincinnati '22

Emma is a current Creative Writing and Journalism major at the University of Cincinnati and works as the Editorial Captain for Her Campus UC. When she is not writing she can be found reading Jane Austen or tending to her plants.