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Try a Little Love This Week

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cincinnati chapter.

If you’re like most college students and keep a pretty busy schedule, it doesn’t come often that you take a moment to forget about all of your obligations and remember to focus on yourself for once. Valentine’s Day is all about showering other people with affection, but this week, take some time to give yourself a little love and attention, too. Try to incorporate at least one of these practices into your week. After you destress, that big to-do list you have to tackle won’t seem as scary.




A teacher or professor may have told you that journaling is a great way to improve your writing, and that’s true. But you don’t have to be a poet to benefit from it, because it’s also a great way to improve yourself. It might seem daunting. There are no rules to journaling, so there also isn’t a specific way to start other than just starting. Try writing about how you day went or what you plan to do tomorrow. Writing about concrete, definite aspects of your life is good for grounding yourself and taking an objective look at how you’ve been doing lately. It’s a little way to check up on yourself from time to time, and also a way to get inspired. Document song lyrics, polaroids, memories, your dreams, the weather. Taking time every day or every few days to write (or draw or make collages) is an outlet to express whatever you’re feeling, so get creative. If you want a little inspiration, check out The Journal Club on Tumblr.




It isn’t news to anyone that being active has a thousand and one benefits for your health, both physical and mental. Yoga is no exception. If you’re looking for a way to move your body and really relax, it’s the way to go. The appeal for yoga really isn’t much different than what might appeal to you about any other workout or sport–no matter what you choose, you’re moving your body and staying fit in a way that works for you. Everyone has their own routine, and that’s awesome. The great thing about yoga, though, is that you can start and practice at a skill level that works for you no matter what your fitness level is. In the words of Big Gal Yoga, “Every body is a yoga body.” Plus, unless you want to use tools like blocks or straps, the only equipment you need is your body. Practice from home with YouTube channels like Yoga with Adriene or check the schedule of fitness classes at the CRC.



Meditation doesn’t mean just one thing, but the basic principle is this: sit down and do nothing. At least that’s how some people might see it. That’s what it looks like, right? Believe it or not, practicing a little mental hygiene is a bit more interactive than that. Finding a place to start could be intimidating, and even more so is figuring out how. A great way to get started is by downloading Stop, Breathe & Think on your phone! This free app allows you to check in, log your emotions, and track your progress. The app recommends different meditations based on how you indicate you’re feeling, so whether you have feelings of anxiety, gratitude, insecurity, or compassion, there’s always a few fit just for your mood. The meditations are guided, so instead of getting distracted and fidgety while you’re trying to focus, a calm voice reminds you to focus on your breathing and provides questions to prompt your train of thought. Whether you use the app or not, meditating for even a few minutes will help you to clear your head and have a better day.

No matter how you do it, taking a little bit of time of your day to decompress can help to make you a happier, healthier person. At the very least, you’ll be more self aware than you were before. Know yourself, love yourself. What will you do for yourself this week?

Morgan is a third-year student at the University of Cincinnati studying Magazine Journalism. She's a big, big fan of paper-in-your-hand print publications and wishes AP style allowed the oxford comma.