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It’s Okay to Not Know Which Major You Want

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cincinnati chapter.

I hate the idea of choosing a major. How are we supposed to choose what we’re best at while still in high school and applying for college? Are all our skills, interests and missions supposed to be grouped up into one major? How is that even possible?

Well there I was, second semester of my freshman year thinking that just maybe I should have wished for “heads” in rather than “tails”. The medical field seemed awesome at the time! Wearing scrubs, feeling smart, the pay once I got my degree-but wait-the science field isn’t even what I am best at. I quickly figured out that I needed to find a “plan B” after noticing that my grades weren’t where they needed to be in order to be successful in the medical field. I studied for hours on end. Once I counted and I spent 34 hours in the library only to receive a D+ on my Anatomy and Physiology exam. Talk about frustration! So, onto plan B it was.

Okay, let’s be real, I had no plan B. I had these plans of becoming a Non-Invasive Cardiologist since Junior year in high school – I didn’t even consider other options! Throughout my first semester at the University of Cincinnati, my family members and boyfriend were very encouraging telling me to not give up. In fact, my mom sent me the Anatomy and Physiology for Dummies book by Donna Rae Siegfried and Maggie Norris. But nobody understood that I needed to change my major before my GPA completely took a dump. Everyone told me that I would succeed the most in business due to my background experiences, but it didn’t seem interesting to me.

I took many, “what major should I choose” quizzes but they all came back and told me I should either consider early childhood education or criminal justice. Neither sounded very fascinating (especially because kids always win in arguments with me, so early childhood education was completely out of the discussion). After having my third mental breakdown of that week, Loyola University Chicago’s quiz was my hero. They suggested that due to my answers, I would be the most successful majoring in communication. That seemed sort of fun and relatable. Immediately, I marched over to my academic advisor telling him my plans and he gave me all the information needed to switch over. Relief at last!

So, if you are feeling the way I did about your current major, don’t fret! I know it seems like the end of the world, but I promise it isn’t. In fact, finding a new major is a completely different feeling of success, and I can’t wait to get out into the work field. My mama once told me, “Follow your heart, it will always know where to lead you.”

So hang in there, and always remember to never give up!





Sources: https://www.luc.edu/undergrad/academiclife/whatsmymajorquiz/

Thumbnail Image Source: https://cdn.moneycrashers.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/feet-life-decisions.jpg

Hi, I'm Ginnah Cashman, a 19-year-old lifestyle blogger from Ohio. I'm currently an undergrad student at the University of Cincinnati working on my degree in Communication and a double minor in Public Relations and Marketing. Traveling is my passion, shopping is my cardio and Netflix is my second boyfriend. Feel free to follow me on my social media to stay even more connected! Xoxooo