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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cincinnati chapter.

When you get an A on an exam you thought you failed.


When you see your exam has a curve.

When the friend you’re studying with wants to go to sleep.

When you realize you may fail your exam, so you come up with a backup plan

When you’re pulling an all-nighter for the third night in a row.

When you’re trying to find a reason to procrastinate.

When you get your exam grade back.

When you’re at the point where everything is distracting.

When it’s your fourth day in a row at the library.


***You can do it colliegiettes, ace those exams!

Maddie Huggins is a fourth year student at the University of Cincinnati. Originally from Columbus, she quickly learned to swap out the OSU scarlet and grey for UC red and black. Maddie has loved writing since she was a little girl and is always down for a good time. She prides herself in being the world's best hugger.