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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cincinnati chapter.

If you’re like me, you are coming up on your college graduation. Yeah, I can’t believe I’m typing those words either. It seems like just yesterday I was in the rush of moving into my freshman year dorm. Yet so much has happened between now and then. 

Friends have come and gone. Many classes have been (barely) passed. Parties have happened, both good and bad. And here we are. Just weeks away from crossing that stage, ending our college careers, and starting new chapters.

I’ll be the first to admit I have been scared as hell since last summer about graduating. What am I going to do with my life? Am I going to stay in my college town? How am I going to handle the transition? To be honest I am still scared…but I mean you can’t blame me and if you’re also scared I don’t blame you either. But, I want to put this piece of advice out there. It will all be okay.

Yeah, I know you probably already knew that in the back of your mind but I want to shout it (now just imagine a dramatic, young strawberry blonde shouting at you).


Many of us won’t be working in our dream job, that’s just life. We are still young even though it may feel like being 22 or 23 is ancient compared to the 18-year-old freshmen around campus. If you work hard and have your goals in mind everything will fall into place one way or another, you have plenty of time to make it happen.

The power of believing in yourself is yes, P O W E R F U L. I’ve been learning that more and more each day. Rely on your friends, family, and significant other if that applies because they believe in you too. Those who care about you want to help you in any way possible. Whether it be just lending a listening ear or having a connection to a job. Your support system is better than you know, I promise you because I’ve witnessed it in my own life.

It’s okay to be scared, don’t hide from your emotions. But just know, in the end, everything will work out. Change can be daunting, but it’s inevitable and can bring some pretty beautiful results. 

Class of 2017, we made it.

Maddie Huggins is a fourth year student at the University of Cincinnati. Originally from Columbus, she quickly learned to swap out the OSU scarlet and grey for UC red and black. Maddie has loved writing since she was a little girl and is always down for a good time. She prides herself in being the world's best hugger.