Hometown: Grand Rapids, MI
Age: 20
Major: Broadcast and Cinematic Arts
Relationship Status: Single
If you were stranded on an island, what three things would you bring? Whiskey, Ernest Hemingway’s entire works, and a hammock
Boxers or Briefs? Boxer Briefs
Where is your favorite place to hang out on campus? University Center
Blondes or Brunettes? No preference
What is the craziest thing you have ever done? Pretty much my whole experience at CMU!
What qualities do you admire in the opposite sex? Funny, trustworthy, and a little weird.
What is your favorite movie: Snatch
Any awesome or hidden talents:
“In high school I got bored so I taught myself to play the piano.”
What is your ideal or dream date? On a boat with a beautiful girl in a beautiful place.
Who is your Hollywood crush? Jennifer Lawrence