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To Be Someone Else

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bloom U chapter.

They were walking along the beach. He points at a pelican grasping onto a French fry, “I’d like to be that pelican”.

They were walking along the trail. He smiled at a dog, splashing through the creek, “I’d like to be that dog”.

They were walking toward the door. He saw a child, laughing at the clouds, “I’d like to be that child”.

“Why?!” She asked, finally, “why do you always wish not to be yourself? You’d rather live as a juvenile child, be as unaware as the dog in the creek, or as simple-minded as the pelican who lives with one goal?”

She threw up her arms.

“That,” he smiled, pushing open the trailer door, “is precisely why”.

The notice paper blew in the breeze as the door slammed shut behind them.