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Thesis is coming, as told by Miranda Priestly

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bates chapter.

Thesis is due within the next month. You’re starting to panic and freak out, but trust me, you’re not alone. As a powerful fashion magazine editor, Miranda Priestly knows exactly how you’re feeling. 

1. Coffee is the only thing keeping you alive. If your heart feels like it’s pounding out of your chest, don’t be alarmed. That just means the caffeine is working. 

2. Your outfits are highly practical for late nights in the library, yet consistently question your sense of fashion. Rumor has it that sweatsedos are the new black. 

3. You’re mentally checked out of your classes…especially your pass/fail one. 

4. Rain or shine you NEED to get to the library because all your books and articles are in your thesis locker. 

5. Every so often you like to remind the senior boys that you are in fact not washed up. Yes, the doe-eyed first years are adorable, but we’re like expensive wine – better with age. 

6. Sometimes when you’re stressed and venting, people try to tell you that thesis is no big deal and that you need to relax.  

7. It becomes socially acceptable to have mental breakdowns over something so trivial as a bibliography. 

8. People seem to remind you daily that thesis is due in a month. Bonus points if they tell you to pick up the pace!

9. You shoo away your friends when you’re working. You love them but sometimes you just need to be alone with your thesis. 

10. You’re becoming increasingly impatient…especially when you’re following a slowpoke on the stairs in the library. MOVE IT.

11. Oh, and when you do finish your thesis within the next month, feel free to strut that black book around. You earned it.