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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Columbia Barnard chapter.

We’ve all been there: 10 minutes before your 2:40 P.M. and you get hit with that mid-afternoon hunger. With barely enough time for a snack, it can be hard sometimes to find something fast, satisfying, and good for you. Luckily, there are plenty of quick bite options to grab when you’re on the run between classes:

1. Veggies with Dip

Dressing up sliced vegetables with a tasty dip is always a great idea. Reaching for hummus, which is high in protein, or guacamole, which is high in good fats, instead of ranch or blue cheese makes this snack even more nutritious.

2. P3 Portable Protein Pack

You may have seen these convenient packs at your friendly neighborhood student center convenience store. With 13 grams of protein, these snack packs containing cheese, meat, and nuts will help you power through your lectures.

3. Yogurt Parfait with Fruit

What’s great about this snack is not just that it has a little of everything (protein, carbs, vitamins, etc.), but how versatile it is. There are millions of combinations of yogurt, fruits, granola, and other toppings to try. If you’re in a rush, there are always ready-made options (just make sure you check the ingredients so what you’re getting is nutrient-packed and not full of sugar).  

 4. Granola Bars

The epitome of healthy snacking, granola bars are always a delicious option to reach for in a jiffy. Filled with fiber, protein, and carbohydrates, bars can help satisfy your appetite and keep you full for a long day. When reaching for granola bars, it’s always good to check the sugar and fat content as well. Some great options are Kind Bars, Health Warrior Chia Bars, Lara Bars, and Annie’s.

5. Fruits with their Own “Packaging”

Eating fruit on the run can be kind of a hassle, so reach for fruit that does not require any special preparation or storage. From bananas to tangerines, certain fruits were just made to be on-the-go.  

6. Edamame

Edamame, or steamed and salted soybeans,

7. Healthy snack wraps 

Julia Tache

Columbia Barnard '19

Surviving the big city through caffeine.