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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at ASU chapter.

Going through formal recruitment is a time that can be really stressful. I can remember when I went through formal recruitment like it was yesterday. I remember the pressure of knowing what to talk about, the stress of choosing the right outfit, and the emotions I felt after getting my houses back.

After being both the PNM and the recruiter, I’ve come to realize that a lot of that pressure I felt going through the formal recruitment process was never necessary. Here are some of the best tips I can give to girls going through the formal recruitment process from a senior perspective.

  1. Go into recruitment with an open mind.

One of the things I hear most often from girls going through the process is that they enter into the process with preconceived notions about every chapter. I’ve never seen these notions impact a girl’s process in a positive light. Going into the process with the sole focus of getting to genuinely know each chapter allows the PNM to make true connections and relationships with girls who may or may not end up being their sorority sisters.

When I went through the process, I kept an open mind and ended up making connections with multiple girls in multiple chapters. From there, those connections turned into real friendships and now I’m happy to say that I’m close friends with many girls I spoke to during the process.

2. Don’t be afraid to be yourself.

In order to end up in the sorority that’s the best fit, it’s essential to be true to yourself and show the chapters who you really are. The whole point of the process is to find girls that understand who you really are and accept you for it. Acting like someone totally different could make a huge difference at the end of the day and you may not end up in the chapter that makes you the happiest.

One of the best things that I did when I went through recruitment was sticking to being myself. I vividly remember bonding with the sweetest girl over our tattoos and taste in music. I may have not ended up in her chapter at the end of the process, but she and I are still close friends today.

3. Outfits. Don’t. Matter.

Well…they kind of do. My point is to go with whatever dress code is needed depending on the day, but there’s no need to try and dress like everyone else or the trends going on. If I’m being honest, looking at outfits is the last thing that I look for when I’m talking to a PNM. I always like to focus on a girl and her personality before judging her outfit. Try and pick an outfit that more so speaks to who you are above anything else, whether it includes a sassy pair of earrings or a skirt with lots of ruffles.

4. Have fun!

So many girls find themselves succumbing to the pressures of not making it into the house they want or to the fear that they may end up in a house they didn’t expect. Don’t allow yourself to fall into that. I’ve witnessed so many breakdowns and tears when girls find themselves cut from a house they wanted, but that’s not the point of the process. The point is to find a group of girls that see you for who you are and accept every part. Who wants to end up in a house that doesn’t see that?

The pressure’s to be someone you’re not during recruitment can be a lot, but just remember that the sororities want to get to know you for you. Going through recruitment is the best thing that I ever did my freshman year and I will be forever grateful to myself for deciding to go through the process. Take in every second of it!

My name is Amanda Montini and I'm a senior at Arizona State University. I'm a journalism major with an emphasis in Public Relations and a minor in Fashion. I'm on the executive board for Alpha Delta Pi, an intern for a public relations agency, and a Phoenix native. I'm so excited to share my journey with you all!