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A College Student’s Guide to Tea

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at American chapter.

If you’re a tea aficionado, then you understand that for as many teas as there are in the world, there are just as many occasions where those teas are a must. As the semester winds down and finals approach, tea is definitely a must. So here’s a guide as to which types of teas are best for your end-of-the-semester panic:

Black Tea: For that dreaded Monday 8:55 or the paper that you started on a few hours too late. Black tea is robust but it’s not so much caffeine that you’ll crash a couple of hours later. Although nothing will stop the crash that comes after two consecutive all-nighters.

Green Tea: Best when you’re procrastinating an assignment or day dreaming that the semester has released you to the sweet, sweet embrace of winter break. Green tea is soothing with low caffeine; a great wind down comfort drink for when you can no longer muster up the energy to convince your group to work on that project.   

Oolong Tea: With more caffeine than green or white, but less of a kick than black, oolong tea is a great pick-me-up for those deceptively “easy days.” Just because no assignments are due that week doesn’t mean you don’t have three 15 page papers due the next.

White Tea: Soft and delicate, white tea is great for when you have time to appreciate the subtler pleasures of student life. Such as the extra half hour of sleep you got when you turned off your alarm in an exhaustion-addled haze. Sure you missed a quiz, but didn’t that extra half hour feel good?

Rooibos: If you’re not into the bitter taste of black or green tea, but you want a fuller flavor than what white can offer, then there’s Rooibos. It’s not technically tea, but that source you picked out for your paper isn’t technically scholarly either.

Tea is essential for any college student; aside from all of the health benefits (including clear skin, hydration and cancer risk reduction), it’s also a stress reliever. So take a moment and relax with a cup of tea- of course until you remember that your research design was due an hour ago. 

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