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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at American chapter.

Name: Casey Miller

Year: Sophomore

Hometown: Media, Pennsylvania

Major: Political science 

Ideal first date: A gourmet meal at Asian Flavors followed by dessert at Eagle’s Nest

Favorite activity to do on campus: Sometimes I like to play with my Nerf gun on the Quad at night

Best D.C. study spot: Foxhall Podiatry–they give me free pens 

Fashion icon: Cara Delevigne because of the bacon tattoo on her foot

Favorite pastime: Listening to Nickleback while playing my PSP

Pickup line of choice: Mario is red. Sonic is blue. Why don’t you hit select and be my player 2? 

Item you would want if you were stranded on an island: Binoculars to look for sloths 

Favorite metro stop: Van Ness–right next to the Girl Scout Council of the nation’s capital

If you were a food, what would you be?: A nugget–crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside.

Favorite on campus meal: Who doesn’t love a good tendah??


Born in Peoria, Illinois, Taylor is an International Studies major at American University in Washington, D.C.. She  has a passion for fashion, style, and beauty writing, and she hopes to occassionally bring the political dynamic of D.C. into her articles.