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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at American chapter.

The color black in fashion is classic and never goes out of style. Long after that neon green prom dress becomes too youthful for classier affairs, a black dress is still and always appropriate. For some, embracing the color black goes much farther than their favorite little black dress and extends to their full wardrobe. And yet others believe that all black is too drab and monotonous. There’s definitely a way to rock all black so that it doesn’t interfere with showing off personality and style, and here are five tips on how:


1. Shades

Contrary to popular belief, the color black in clothing does not appear in a single shade. There are lighter blacks and darker blacks, that can have cooler or warmer tones and the key is knowing which shades to wear together. Wearing all of the same shades of black can make an outfit look more from a spy-movie than sophisticated and edgy.

2. Textures

Just like shades, textures can also be layered together to make a look less monotonous and more cohesive. A sheer black top with a blazer over it can look good without being overpowering if the textures contrast enough.


3. Pops of Color

Here’s where many black attire enthusiasts may groan, but it’s an undeniable truth: a pop of color can break up an otherwise overpowering outfit. It ties together a look while also showing off a flash of personality. The color doesn’t have to be everywhere: it can be a simple statement necklace or a thin belt. If piercings are your thing, colorful facial and ear piercings do just fine too. Not a fan of color? Silvers and golds serve the same purpose.


4. Makeup

If you don’t wear makeup, it’s still entirely possible to rock an all-black wardrobe. However, if makeup is your thing, then it’s a great way to complement your outfit with a splash of style. There’s a common belief that your makeup doesn’t have to match your outfit, and it’s totally fine if it doesn’t, but bright eye shadows look great with black and can even be used to play up the aforementioned pop of color. Deep lipsticks look sophisticated while bright lipsticks can brighten up an entire look. It’s a subtle but powerful way to balance out the color of an all-black outfit.


5. Ignore Negativity

Perhaps the most important tip is to ignore those who are negative about your personal style. As mentioned before, there are plenty of people who don’t agree that an all black outfit can be carried out without being drab or monotonous. If you like it, then don’t listen to them! If you want to wear all black (even with all the same textures and shades without any pop of color), then go for it. Style is about personal exploration and enjoyment, and that shouldn’t be corrupted by anyone else’s negativity.

Black is a fabulous anti-color that goes with literally everything. It comes across as stylish and sophisticated, and never goes out of style. Remember: black is the new black. 


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