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Here’s How Guys Handle Street Harassment

According to a video by comedian and actor Soojeong Son, Drive-by Street Harassment is “the act of whispering offensive statements into the face of a women is alone in public and then walking away before there is time for her to react.” As you can imagine, this is pretty off-putting to most people. To show how women feel when they are harassed, Son decided to conduct a social experiment where she said overly sexual things to men to see their reaction. How did they react? Check out the video below.

Guys apparently LOVE IT! They didn’t find it creepy or offensive, given by their wide grins. “The lesson here,” Son’s friend, Ginny, says, “is that no one learned anything.”

Of course, this doesn’t make street harassment right by any means. These guys may have found it funny, but most people do not. It’s like our mothers always told us: “If you can’t say something nice, then don’t say it at all.” 

Kasia (pronounced "Kasha") recently graduated from Villanova University where she studied Communication. She's a self-proclaimed Pinterest enthusiast, aspiring writer, avid reader, and constant smiler. Besides writing for HC, you can find her practicing yoga or curling up with a book at a coffee shop. She plans to pursue a career in public relations or journalism, where she can live in a city and decorate her own apartment. Follow her on Twitter or check out her blog!