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Why Is Your Computer Running So Slow? Dead Skin Cells Might Be to Blame & It’s Gross AF

There are few things more infuriating than a slow computer. It seems like every time you need it immediately, the Rainbow Wheel of Suffering starts turning (@ Mac users, you know) and your fate is sealed. Unsurprisingly, swearing at your computer, claiming that you’re going to buy a from a competitor’s brand, or throwing it across the room isn’t going to help with your technological woes. However, changing up your skincare routine to prevent skin cell loss might. 

According to Allure, when WFTS of Tampa, Florida, went looking for answers to their computer difficulties, they spoke to a Best Buy Geek Squad employee who revealed a surprising cause of your computer’s slow speed: dead skin cells. Icky already, isn’t it? 


Geek Squad expert Adam Silkey told WFTS “A lot of dust, food, and other junk builds up in your computer and especially your fans inside your computer. Those are what keeps your computer cool and keeps it speedy.” I’ll be the first to admit that my computer definitely isn’t the cleanest, which should be expected from someone who uses it like a lifeline, including while cooking, eating and doing makeup. However, if I were to ever guess why my computer was slowing down, I would have attributed it to the foundation or the pizza crumbs that accidentally fall in there during my Netflix binges – not my own skin.

“That’s right, dust, which is mainly dead human skin, is one of the top offenders for slowing down your computer,” WFTS confirms. Can you imagine taking your slow computer to this Best Buy and being told that the reason your Netflix is buffering is because there’s too much of your skin in your computer? 


There are some steps that you can take if you’re officially grossed out at the prospect of even touching your own computer now. Make sure to clean the fans of your computer, as well as switching to a different moisturizer to prevent skin cell loss on your computer. Basically, limiting your computers direct contact with skin is best. Which begs the question… should I be wearing gloves while I type this? 

Obv this is no emergency because computers wear out over time anyway, and there’s no real way to prevent skin cells falling off even if you wanted to. But hey, the more you know! 

Amanda is a National Intern, Style and Beauty Blogger and a Chapter Advisor for Her Campus. She is doing a double major in criminology and sociology at Western University. She is a proud member of Alpha Gamma Delta - Zeta Chi chapter, and makes 99% of her decisions based off of WWEWD (what would Elle Woods Do?). Follow her on instagram @amanda_h_jones, and listen to her talk about makeup *a bit* more than usual at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_m-7cOzh_oI&t=237s