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Emma Richter

Montclair '22

My name is simple, but in no way, shape, or form am I simple!
I love anything that brings positive energy, and a few of my favorite pass times are writing, coloring, watching Netflix series (ask me, I've probably watched it!), and spending time with good friends and family. For a long time now, I have suffered from anxiety induced migraines, and I really want to use my writing as a tool to help other teenage girls, and people in general understand that more, because hey, maybe you're going through it too! Besides all of that, feel free to text me, email me, and one of my favorite things... talk in person! I know it seems like such an ancient pass time, but I swear it's the key to my heart to physically have a conversation with someone. As for my major, I am an aspiring journalist here at Montclair State University, with big dreams to (no lie) change the world.

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