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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at YCP chapter.

February is one of the greatest months! Not only does it end January – which seemed to last forever this year – and house Valentine’s Day, it is also the month in which Black History is celebrated!

This is the time where we, not just as a people but as a nation, can look back at history and see how far we’ve come. The accomplishments of Black people are far and wide. From the first Black, self-made billionaire, to the first Black president of the United States of America.

The pride that one feels when reading about all the hurdles our ancestors had to overcome just to get that little bit of respect, or just to be seen and heard is a feeling that cannot be explained. From fashion to music to movies/tv shows and so much more, the culture is one to be appreciated. And it is – you can see their influence in just about every aspect of life.

Despite being given a mere 28 days to celebrate us, we don’t let that hold us back. We celebrate everyday as if it were the month of February. You see it through hashtags such as:




So take this month and every day after, to celebrate being you. Celebrate those in the past who made it possible for you to get to where you are now and further. Don’t sit back and listen to the same stories of people in the history books (they aren’t even the full stories). Do some research about the famous, infamous and lesser known.

*I started to name some people to research, but this would be a never ending article.*

So take it upon yourselves to learn more about us: visit the African American Museum in Washington, D.C or Google your field of study and see who helped propel it. I would also implore our brothers and sisters of different races and ethnicities to delve into the rich history of Afro-Americans who have made great contributions to America. Our history is long and bittersweet, but it is still in the making. Everyday we are making history!



A Senior at York College of Pennsylvania, majoring in Political Science. I am a Gemini, I love the color green, reading and writing! I am so excited to be able to write for Her Campus. I hope to inspire and/or entertain all who read my articles!