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7 Habits That Will Help You Through College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at YCP chapter.

Let’s face it–growing up is hard. The transition from high school to college can be jarring and rough, but here are some tips that will help you get back on the right track.

1. Setting multiple alarms

Although it may get annoying for you (and your roommate), it’s better to be safe than sorry. The all-nighters may be inevitable, but the last thing you want is to miss class and fall even farther behind.

2. Arriving early to class

Try to leave for class at least ten minutes early. You won’t have to rush or get caught up in the crowd, plus it gives you some time to settle down. If your professor is also there early, it also opens up a window of opportunity for you to ask them any questions you may have without having to disrupt the class.

3. Writing reminders

For myself and many others, sticky notes are a surefire way to keep track of things. Those bright, neon colors can be pretty hard to miss, making it much easier for you to really stay on top of your schedule. They may be a bit expensive, but they’re worth it. Buying in bulk helps a lot. However, some other good alternatives are planners, calendars, and even phone notifications. 

4. Going to the library 

It’s nearly impossible to get anything done when you’re surrounded by so many distractions. A quiet environment with plenty of educational resources is the perfect place to study, research, or do homework.

5. Planning ahead

Simple things, such as checking the weather forecast or putting your clothes out the night before will save you the time and effort that you probably won’t have in the morning. 

6. Asking for help

If you’re stuck on a paper or just can’t wrap your head around the lectures, consulting a professor is the right way to go. If you can’t make it during their office hours, emailing them is just as effective. Either way, they’ll realize you’re trying and appreciate that you took the initiative. 

7. Talking to at least one person per class

This doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to become their best friend, but finding someone to discuss assignments with and partner up with for group projects will feel much better in the long run.


A Senior at York College of Pennsylvania, majoring in Political Science. I am a Gemini, I love the color green, reading and writing! I am so excited to be able to write for Her Campus. I hope to inspire and/or entertain all who read my articles!