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My Dad is the Strongest Person I Know

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Xavier chapter.

My dad is the strongest person I know. I can never thank him enough for all of the things that he has done to help my sisters and I succeed. He hasn’t been dealt an easy hand in life, and has been through incredibly difficult things. Yet, he still has a smile on his face every day. He has been our greatest supporter in life and has been there to pick us up when we fall down. We may not have always gotten along in the past but I will always look up to him and admire how strong he has been for our family.

With three daughters, I know my dad definitely doesn’t have the easiest job in the world! He listens to every piece of drama and gossip in our lives and will sometimes partake in the gossiping at the dinner table! With all the drama and gossip he listens to, he offers some pretty great advice on how to deal with difficult situations that may be happening. He also has to deal with us when we ignore his advice and things get worse… and then he has to try and help us fix the bigger mess that we made.

Patience is something that I have learned from my father, especially watching him put up with ALL three of his girls trying to paint his nails and practice our hair and makeup skills on him, and then attempting to do our hair and makeup in return. He has watched every Disney princess movie with us and then tucked us into to bed after we’ve fallen asleep. He’s even sung along during the chorus of every song in each movie! He was patient when teaching me how to drive and when he was prepping me for my first job interview. I’ve learned that all the while being patient with each of his daughters, he had a lot of strength in order to stay up late or get up early just to make our day.

My father has been protective of my younger siblings and I for our entire lives and will do whatever it takes to provide for us and make sure that we are happy. If anything made us upset, he was there to ask what was going on and how he could help, and of course offered up a dad joke or two to put a smile back on our faces. He taught us some of life’s hardest lessons and is always there to back us up and to push us forward. And to stand up for what we believe in.

All of these things just scratch the surface to what makes my dad the man he is. To raise three headstrong and stubborn girls, that takes a lot of guts and strength to pull off. Even now, after he had to step up and become a mom AND a dad at the same time after my mother passed away, he has done nothing but continue to be strong and stand up for his girls. To the world, my dad may just be one more person but to me, he is the world.

Mary Soukup is a Sophomore Engineering Physics Major at Xavier University from Aurora, Indiana. When she is not writing articles for Her Campus, she can be found studying or working at the Cincincinnati Zoo.