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Shannon Shaw ’15: Sister of Alpha Xi Delta

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WVWC chapter.

Shannon Shaw is the eighth person from her family to attend WVWC. She is a junior, public relations major from Fairmont, West Virginia. Shaw is a sister of Alpha Xi Delta, where she has multiple roles as Public Relations Vice President, Alumni Relations Chair, and House Manager. She is also very active in Alpha Xi Delta’s philanthropy, Autism Speaks.

Shaw is in Dr. Mary Toale’s Small Group Communication class on campus, and her class has decided to undertake a project to bring a student center back to Wesleyan’s campus. In previous years, Wesleyan had a student center called the Student Center of Wesleyan, or “The SCOW”.

“I really think it would be great to bring back the student center,” said Shaw. “My parents were here when they had “The SCOW” and they still to this day talk about everything that went on when they would hang out in the SCOW.”

Shaw and the other students in her class feel that bringing the student center back will bring students closer together and give them a place to go after a long, stressful day of classes. The student center would also open opportunities for new friendships, and a more close-knit student body.

“It could help students meet each other and break away from the “clicks” that develop in small schools. And also just help students come out of their shells and interact with one another,” said Shaw.

Currently the class is asking students to fill out a short form about why they think WVWC needs a student center, and how it would better the campus. These forms will be vital in the progression of the Operation Bring Back the Student Center movement. With the start of the input from the students, the class will be one step closer to getting a student center back at Wesleyan.

“If someone asks you to fill out the form, please do it. The littlest input will go a long way. This project won’t stop with us so we need as much help as we can get,” said Shaw.

When you see Shannon on campus, ask her about Operation Bring Back the Student Center and if anyone from the Small Group Communication class gives you the opportunity to fill out the form, take it and let Wesleyan hear your voice!

West Virginia Wesleyan College, English Writing and Communications major.