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The Fastest Route to End a Cold

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WVWC chapter.

As we are approaching winter, we’re bound to get sick. Living in dorms in such close proximity to others doesn’t help anyone avoid getting the cold either. There is no need to worry too much though. I have some remedies to stop a cold when you feel it coming for you!

  1. Drink lots of fluids and take cold medicine. Make sure to drink lots of water. It’s very important to stay hydrated. Do not drink cold beverages. Even though they may feel good at the moment, your throat will begin to throb afterwards.
  2. Boost your immune system with Vitamin C. Research shows that Vitamin C can shorten the duration of a cold. I recommend Emergen-C dietary supplements. You just add it to your water, gulp it down, and feel instantly energized!
  3. Throat sprays or lozenges and pain reliever medicine. Use these items for a sore throat. I recommend Cepacol lozenges and Advil or ibuprofen. Both of these combined will take care of the inflammation in your throat.
  4. Drink tea. Chamomile, peppermint, cinnamon and chai tea are all delicious teas to relieve your sinuses and sooth your throat. You can also add some honey and lemon to plain tea if you prefer that.
  5. Vicks Vapor Rub. Put this on your chest, nose and yes–the bottoms of your feet. This will make you breathe easier and sleep like a baby. For more comfort, grab a hot towel and place it on your chest.
  6. Have chicken noodle soup. Chicken noodle soup provides the body with hydration, nasal clearance, vitamins, antioxidants and protein to fight off the cold! And it’s yummy! Side note: avoid any spicy foods that could irritate your throat further.
  7. Get plenty of rest. This tip is a given but it is very important to get enough sleep when you have a cold. Avoid strenuous activity if you are able to.
  8. Minimal exercise. It is okay to get some exercise such as a short walk when you have a cold. It’s important to rest but also beneficial to get some fresh air.
  9. Bundle up and stay warm. When you go out, dress in comfortable clothing while staying warm. Also, make sure to bring tissues, cough drops, cold medicine, etc. with you everywhere you go.
  10. Take a hot shower. The steam from the shower will open up your sinuses and relax your whole body.

The most important thing is to take care of your mind and body! If you have the cold, don’t wear your body out with your usual activities. You need rest in order to recharge and fight off the cold! Having a cold is miserable and they always seem to come at the most inconvenient times. However, using these tips, you will feel better in no time!

I enjoy writing for Her Campus, studying Sociology, cooking, and listening to music. I have an appreciation for learning about the world we live in and how to make it a better place for everyone.  I hope you enjoy my articles!