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5 Pros of Owning a Juicer

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WVWC chapter.

Three months ago, I was blessed by the juice gods with a perfect juicer. I had been interested in making my own juices for quite a long time—often daydreaming about the delicious creations I could make using fruits and vegetables. Once I received my juicer, I knew I had a lot of work to do. Here are my top tips for getting a juicer!


1.Get Healthy!

Healthy lifestyles thrive on fresh fruits and vegetables. If you are struggling to consume your daily amount of fresh produce, you definitely need to get yourself a juicer! Your body will love you for your purchase.


2. It’s Environmentally Friendly:

Save the environment while you drink only the best! By owning a juicer, you cut down on the toxins and plastics involved in store-bought juice. Not to mention the good compost you create while using your juicer.


3. Say Goodbye to Processed Juice!

I actually thought about this recently when I looked at my juice container in the refrigerator: Do I event want to know what they put in store-bought juice to make it look so nice? The real raw juice looks like health, definitely not colors from a highlighter pack.


4. Save Money:

Have you ever tried to purchase cold-pressed juice from a health foods store? Expensive, I know! With one long-term investment of a juicer, you can be creating your very own healthy concoctions for less than that $10 cold-pressed juice bottle!


5. Healthier is Happier!:

When you are healthy, you are happy! Invest in a juicer, and make your life a wonderful flow of fruits, vegetables, and happiness!


If you need any juicer questions or recommendations or if you are in need of any delicious juice recipes, let me know!


Until next time, HCXO!

Junior Public Relations major. I have an obsession with my dog and every form of coffee.