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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WVU chapter.

With Valentine’s Day right around the corner, you may be left wondering: Where did I go wrong?  Your roommates are busy planning romantic dinners and cheesy scavenger hunts while you celebrate being single by taking a bag of Doritos to the face and chasing it with a cheap bottle of Arbor Mist.  


Stupid Valentine’s Day.  Who wants to be in a relationship anyway!? Uhm..you do.  Every girl dreams of that moment where she gets to change her status on Facebook to “In a relationship with…” Whether you and the guy you’ve been talking to for two years are just “so over titles”, or he really needs to “focus on himself right now”, here are 5 reasons why you can’t get your man to commit:


1. You’re acting crazy.  Face it, we’re girls, we’re crazy.  Seriously though, you need to chill.  Quit stalking his best friends on Snap Chat and the photos he liked on Instagram and spend some quality time with him.  If you’re busy at the movies or out to dinner, chances are he won’t have time to like the girl with the really big boob’s picture from Spring Break.  



2. You’re a booty call.  Ladies…it’s time to accept it.  If the only meal he has treated you to is a sub from Jimmy John’s at 3am, he does not love you.  The late night phone calls are not because he can’t stop thinking about you and when he doesn’t call, it is not because his phone has been broke for 2 months.  Really, whose phone is broke for 2 months? “Well..he IS really clumsy..” NO. END IT



3.You’re in the friend-zone.  As much as we like to think we will end up with the best friend we’ve been in love with since 5th grade, sometimes it just doesn’t happen.  If he tells you about his hook-ups, his insecurities, or sent you a panicked text about the mysterious rash he woke up with…trust me, you’re just friends.



4. He’s not over his ex.  If he won’t follow you on social media, it’s because he doesn’t want his ex to see.  If he’s posting a picture of you on social media, it’s because he’s trying to piss off his ex.  It’s a lose/lose situation.  He may even use the excuse “My last relationship really messed me up.”  Nope, he’s just not over his girlfriend.  Swear.  Check his search history on Instagram.  Did you see her name? Thought so.



5. Take a deep breath because this one is not easy to take in. HE’S. JUST. NOT. INTO. YOU.  There is really no explanation for this one other than the fact that he doesn’t see himself with you.  It could be a combination of all these things, or none of them.  You two are just not compatible.  Take a look back at your relationship.  Were there ever any signs from him that you were actually the one? If he’s never gone out of his way to make you feel like you are the only girl that matters, you probably don’t.  


Move on.  No girl should settle for a guy that isn’t a 10/10.  Mr. Right is out there somewhere and he is worth the hunt.  Before you know it, you will be planning your perfect Valentine’s Day.  

Lena is a senior public relations major at West Virginia University with a minor in communications. In her spare time she enjoys traveling, reading, and anything pop-culture related. Lena also considers herself a full-time pizza connoisseur.