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Tips and Tricks to Beach Safety

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WVU chapter.


As the semester winds down, we have traded cold, snowy days for warm, sunny days, our classes for next fall are scheduled, finals are near, and for seniors: your days as an undergrad are dwindling fast. Summer break cues the start of warm nights, bonfires, and beach! Whether you go to tan or catch some waves, the beach is one of the most tranquil atmospheres. However, sometimes nature has something else to say. Check out these tips and tricks to keep your beach trip pleasant:


Tip- Stay Hydrated. Between the salt water, sand, and sun, a day at the beach can severely dehydrate you! Be sure to bring plenty of water with you and drink frequently. If all possible, limit beverages that dehydrate you such as coffee or alcohol. 


Trick- Jellyfish Sting Care Kit: If you have never been stung by one of these not-so-cuddly creatures, consider yourself lucky. Jellyfish stings can be very painful and must be taken care of immediately. Before you hit the sand, be sure to bring a credit card (it can be an old one or one of those useless free samples they send you) and vinegar. In the case that you get stung, use the credit card to remove the remaining tentacles and then pour vinegar over the sting. Obviously, if you have any severe side effects after the sting, seek medical help immediately. 


Tip- Avoid Riptides. Riptides can be very dangerous to even an experienced swimmer. Research the signs of a riptide before your trip and steer clear! 


Trick- Cool Sand. If you are familiar with the beach, you know that the top layer of sand can reach scorching temperatures. Escape the hot sand by stopping and wiggling your feet several inches down into the cooler sand. Let your tolerance recharge and take off again! Repeat until you are close enough to the cool waves. 


Tip- Wear Sunscreen. This seems like a given, but I cannot count how many people I see that are beet red and don’t even know it. Don’t be the one smothered in aloe and surrounded by fans the rest of the trip. Some SPF is better than none. Don’t forget to reapply! 


Trick- Treasure Hunt. Looking for sea glass or shark’s teeth? Check further back on the beach. Many of these sea treasures wash up during high tide. Bring small jars to keep your findings together. 


There you have it; your tips and tricks of the trade to make your beach trip more enjoyable. Going to the beach this summer? Comment below and let us know where you’re going! Good luck with finals, Mountaineers!