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7 Reasons to Never Say Never

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WVU chapter.

Every woman reaches maturity at a different rate. This means that some will know who they are and what they want in high school… and some won’t know until the day they wake up in a random dorm room wearing someone else’s clothes and wondering how it is they got there. As a confident woman who knows what she wants, it is very easy to say that you will never stoop to some specific level that you feel is somehow beneath you. Although, while your comfort zone may be secure now, you can never completely rule out the possibility of moving out of it someday.

1. So this one time…

Everything we do in life is some contribution to the story that we will inevitably tell. Whether you will be telling it at a party, or to your grandchildren while sitting on the porch of your forever home, you need make sure you have no regrets. Think of life as a photo album that progressively gets more interesting with every flip of the page. No one wants to sit and listen to the time you stayed home and watched movies, or that one day that you had Lucky Charms as opposed to Special K. Make sure that you always keep some spice in that cabinet because lets face it, nobody likes bland soup!

2. Nothing stays a secret, NOTHING.

Reputations are important, there is no denying that. But at the same time, you will never be able to stop people from talking. No matter what you do, large or small, someone will find out and the telephone game will begin. People love to talk, so (within reason) why not give them something to talk about? Life is far too short to spend too much time focused on what people are saying about you, when you could be out having the time of your life.

3. The world is your oyster!

At any given time, there are millions of opportunities being thrown your way. People to meet, things to buy, new foods to try. And as much as I hate to break it to you, opportunity is not given its taken. So next time you are out and about you should take the time to try something, anything, new! Getting a mocha instead of a macchiato could turn into meeting the love of your life.. well probably not. But the point is, you never know!

4. And then… there was “him.”

Do you remember the girl who was your best friend in high school? Now do you remember when she got a boyfriend? It is very common for people to change after dawning a new relationship, and that is not always a bad thing. New love can lead you to an entirely new world of experiences that you could really learn to love. Everything in life has a time and a place, and new love can sometimes put a pause on friendships and other relationships which tends to be a bit of a downer. However, the places you two can go together can lead to immense personal growth. Those who are in your life to stay will still be there for you even when you can’t be around all the time anyway.

5. I’m nothing like you!

Chances are at some point in your life you have chosen someone who you definitely do not want to be. While this is normal, and definitely sometimes necessary, its not always fair. Everyone has a different back story, so its really important to consider this when you’re making judgements. First impressions can be very detrimental not only because people act differently under stress, but because this is when everyone decides their compatibility with one another. It is always easier to make flash judgements, but next time try to hold off on being too harsh until you know some more about this person and perhaps where they came from.

6. Staying in Tonight.

Nobody likes feeling alone, but what if morals get in the way? It is totally fine (and quite admirable) to not drink, or participate in other risqué activities. Although, that’s not a reason to miss out. You don’t have to sit at home to appease your morals. Mock-tails and Shirley Temples are a great way to be a part while sticking to your guns. There is nothing wrong with wearing a little black dress and spending the night out with the girls, even if you’re not the type to take someone home, or losing your head. But there is also no shame in exploring a little bit. Remember, memories are just as important as your virtues!

7. Who am I?

Everyone, no matter what age or gender, is constantly searching for who they really are. Some people figure it out pretty easily, but realistically you will have to reexamine yourself several times throughout your life because we are built to adapt. Our character is perpetually changing, sometimes it can even be hard to keep up! Rather than dwelling on who you used to be, or trying to stop the change, you should do your best to focus on the future. Take time to learn who you are individually. You may never figure out exactly who you are, but this just means that you should never stop trying to explore new things that may one day be a huge portion of what defines you. Life is a beautiful ride so try not to jump off the wagon when you see a little bump or turn in the distance.

Just a Freshman trying to survive
I am originally from Westchester, New York. I came to WVU for my undergrad in Strategic Communications with an emphasis on Public Relations and a minor in Sports Communication. My involvment on campus includes blogging for Her Campus, a sister of Alpha Phi, the assistant director of the media team on the Mountaineer Maniacs executive board and lastly, an athletic communications intern with the WVU Athletic Communications office. I will be graduating in May of 2017 and I am looking forward to getting started with my future career in Journalism and Public Relations!