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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WPUNJ chapter.



Everyone thinks talking about sex and birth control are is a taboo topic of conversation, but the honest truth is you need to talk to someone to find out about the ways to enjoy having a sex life without unnecessarily putting yourself at risk for thousands of different things to happen to you. Great sex is safe sex. So here are some facts on a few different types of birth control.



But there are different kinds so, here are some of the options

Male condoms are the most common condom seen on the market, however they can be ripped during sex and destroyed by oil-based lubes such as baby oil, Vaseline and body lotion. They are usually made out of latex unless stated otherwise.


Non-latex condoms are available for those with allergies, but I would suggest you try them even if you’re not allergic to latex. Some people simply prefer them over latex condoms. They are made from different materials, like the same nitrile that the female condom is made of, polyurethane, polyisoprene and lambskin.


The female condom is an insertable condom that can be put either inside the vagina or the anus for STI prevention (including the contraction of HIV) as well as protection against unwanted pregnancies. It’s also not a latex product, it’s made from nitrile.


The Pill and the mini-pill

Combination pills are pills that contain both estrogen and progestin. The amount in them varies and some of them will steadily lower the dosage as the month goes on. This is to make sure your period comes during the week of “placebo pills” which are pills that contain no estrogen or progestin in them. The drop in dosage during placebo week will bring on your period.


Mini pills are pills that only contain progestin and were made for women who have a negative reaction to, or are sensitive to, increased levels or estrogen. The mini pill works better for women who have health issues such as heart disease or stroke, women who smoke and those who are breast feeding.


 The Depo-Provera Shot

Socially known as the Depo shot, the Depo-Provera is an injection of progestin into the body via needle in the arm or butt. It lasts up to three months, as opposed to the pills that have to be taken orally every day. The shot is more discrete for women who don’t want to pull out a packet of pills in the middle of class. However, with Depo-Provera it is important to get the shot every 12 weeks and if you’ve missed one the doctor will demand you take a pregnancy test if you’ve had sex within the last five days.



The shot has been known to make a change in a woman’s eating habits, weight, sex drive and period flow. There have been reports of people having increased flows while on Depo-Provera and other reports of women having reduced flows or none at all. It varies by the woman, so the shot is really a gamble with your body’s reaction to it.


 Vaginal Ring

The Vaginal Ring, or NuvaRing, is an insertable, flexible ring that women put inside them for three weeks and remove for the final week of the month. While inside, the ring releases estrogen and progestin to prevent pregnancy. Due to the fact that the ring is inserted inside you, there are a lot of risk behaviors to avoid if this is the course you choose. Things like being on prolonged bed rest will prevent a doctor from giving you the NuvaRing.



On the downside, a friend of mine told me to add this information into the article, the ring can be moved during intercourse. When the ring gets pushed it will continue to move up and to get it out, you have to retrieve it yourself with your fingers. You also insert it initially yourself and it has to be done when you have your period. So, if you’re squeamish, I would avoid the NuvaRing.



The Ortho Evra patch is a thin, plastic patch that is placed on the arm for three weeks and while it’s on it releases estrogen and progestin into the system. After three weeks you would do a patch-free week, which is similar to placebo week for the combo and mini pill.



Due to business decisions, the Ortho Evra patch was taken off the market, so ask your doctor about similar birth control options.


6. Implant

Nexplanon is a rod that is inserted beneath the skin that releases progestin and can prevent pregnancy for up to four years. It’s the “get and forget” kind of birth control, which is the ideal form for busy college women or women who are new to the workforce and constantly moving and commuting. The rod is a little smaller than the size of a match stick and is virtually invisible once it’s placed under the skin, so you won’t have to tell anyone you got it.



One of the most common side effects of the implant is irregular bleeding. For the first 6 months to a year there is reported to be irregular bleeding. However, that is to be expected when you’re introducing new hormones into your body and should go away once the body becomes adjusted.



condom types

Non-Latex Condoms

Combo pill v mini pill





I'm a Communications major at William Paterson University. This is my first semester here as a freshman and I'm new to writing for Her Campus.
 Di Onne Agnew "chic, comfy, and stylish"